Google Performance Max Advertising:

How Growing Brands are Leveraging Google’s 72 MILLION data points to acquire more customers and increase their ROAS this year!

Does this Sound Familiar?

Facebook (Meta) used to work really well, but now results are stalling and CPAs are rising.

If you’re like many businesses, Facebook advertising just isn’t as easy or as affordable as it used to be. Costs are rising and results are tanking. You need a fresh injection of results to keep the machine running. You’ve probably heard about what Google can do, but don’t yet have an expert team who can help you implement campaigns.

You’ve tried setting up Google ads in-house, but ads keep getting rejected or you aren’t getting the results you want.

Kudos to you for trying to launch Google in-house. But now you need expert help in configuring your campaigns and tracking correctly and scaling using Google’s most powerful customer acquisition tool: Performance Max.

You want a truly omnichannel approach across ad platforms, but keeping up with it all is a lot for your team to handle.

Keeping up with all of the platforms – Google, FB Meta, Instagram, TikTok – and all the settings, ad specifications, and rules is a lot for your team to handle, but you can’t risk handing your campaigns off to just anyone. You need an experienced team you can trust to take the reigns and free your time to focus on other things.

You KNOW you could be getting more sales from cold traffic, but aren’t sure the best path forward.

You already know that putting all your eggs in one platform is detrimental to your business. But which platform should you add and how do you transition without negatively impacting your existing CPAs and ROAS?

Just because you can manage your ads, doesn’t mean you should.

For over 15 years, Tier 11 has been trusted by industry-leading brands to execute complex Facebook, Instagram, and Google Search campaigns. Now, we’re offering Google Performance Max to qualified brands who are ready to expand into this powerful new campaign option.

How CAF + Google Performance Max Grows Your Business​

Google Performance Max Leverages 72 MILLION Points of User Data for Higher ROAS

Google is 1300X smarter than Facebook was at its height because it’s pulling from your activity across the entire internet: search, mail, internet activity, purchases, play store, and more.

Google Performance Max Delivers Your Ads Where Your Customers Are

Gone are the days where we’re manually targeting customers hoping we picked the right placements. Thanks to Google Performance Max’s insanely powerful algorithms and 72 MILLION data points and robust feedback loops, your ads will get in front of the right audience at the right time.

Google Performance Max Unlocks Customer Insights for Better Decision-making

One amazing feature of Performance Max is the audience insights it provides. After you launch campaigns and begin getting feedback loops, Google will start to give you insights you can act on. For example, one client had a brand where we learned that people interested in camping and fishing were potential customers. Neither we nor the customer had this interest on our radar, but Google did! With these clear insights, we were able to create fresh creatives and improve results.

Google Performance Max Expands Your Digital Reach with Creatives You’re Already Using

What worked on Facebook is now working on Google Performance Max. In many cases, you can re-use many of the creative assets you already have and leverage them on Google’s powerful platform and new campaign option to enhance your results.

Google Performance Max Enhances Your Existing Traffic Results

Google Ads and Performance Max work well when combined with Facebook, TikTok, and Instagram, because the combination creates even more powerful feedback loops for Google to leverage than if you tried these non-Google platforms by themselves.

Our process

Our Proven Process for Scaling Google & Performance Max

Step 1: Submit Your Application

The first step is to submit your application to work with us here. We’ll review your form and reach out to schedule a time to speak with your team.

Step 2: Discovery Call with our Growth Team

You and your team will speak with one of our in-house Growth Experts to explore your business and determine if your business is ready for CaAMP™ + Google Performance Max.

Step 3: Get Your HOT IRON Strategic Growth Plan

Part of the qualification process is a 14-page Google Strategic Growth Plan. This multi-disciplinary review looks at your current avatars, your existing ad campaign setup, your existing funnel and offers, and your creatives.

Step 4: Kickoff & Deep Dive + Avatar Presentation

After the SGP, we’ll give you estimates for what it’ll take to work together. IF you qualify for CAF + Performance Max and agree to move forward, we’ll hold a Kickoff Call and then immediately begin your Deep Dive.

Step 5: Keyword & Search Research

While the Creative Team is getting to work on the Deep Dive and Avatars, our Google team will perform keyword research, which we’ll use to design and launch your Google Ads campaigns.

Step 6: Creative Assets Compiled and Reviewed

We’ll also ask for all of your existing creative and copy assets, so we can see what you have, build on what’s working now, and add additional creatives that match your brand.

Step 7: Launch Performance Max Campaigns

In addition to setting up tracking and attribution, once all of this has been completed, we’ll launch your Performance Max campaigns and manage all aspects of your campaign, including reaching out to Google Support as needed.

Step 8: Begin Feedback Loops

This is where the magic happens! We’ll begin feeding Google “feedback loops” to tell Google’s powerful algorithms that we want more buyers. Then, Google will do the work to get your ads in front of potential buyers using its 72 MILLION data points.

Frequently Asked Questions

We are the only agency that looks at ALL the big levers of your customer acquisition strategy, from before the click to after the click. This holistic framework (CAF) allows us to apply our proven process to diagnose, prescribe, implement and iterate solutions laid out in our comprehensive Strategic Growth Plan that address the root causes of underperforming acquisition strategies. With world-class subject matter experts behind Creative Lab, Traffic Harmony, and Conversion Architecture, you are getting the Mount Rushmore of customer acquisition talent to unlock your business potential.

We’ve gotten great results for businesses that are focused on lead gen,  high-volume lead gen, high-ticket info businesses, and businesses that are a blend of both ecommerce and information/leadgen.

The best place to start is booking a call with us to see if we could be a good fit for each other.  Next up would be to get our team to do a Strategic Growth Plan for your business which will identify the biggest levers that can unlock your business potential.  Should we then agree to work with each other,  we’d schedule an onboarding call(s) where you’d meet the team who’d be working with you to review and implement the strategic growth plan.  We require a 120 day initial period of working with each other once we start – this is because it takes time, effort and patience to implement our game-changing strategie

Our fee schedule is based on the recommendations (prescriptions) made via the Strategic Growth Plan.  This can be different for every customer because it really depends on your unique business’s needs.  One important thing to note is that our fee schedule also decreases the more you scale your ad spend. No, we are not the cheapest agency on the market.  Yes, we are worth every penny that we ask for!

This is a valid question that comes up again and again – and for good reason. One of the most complicated parts of advertising is having to spin up new creative on a whim. Luckily, here at Tier 11, we have a world-class copy and creative team that is here to whip up scripts, ad copy, videos, gifs, images, you name it, our creative team has it covered! And what’s even better, is we use proprietary systems to not only create, but to perpetually iterate creative and copy on your behalf. That way, you’ll never ‘run out’ of ideas or new creative.

With all of the new privacy updates & restrictions, issues with attribution, and limitations on tracking, this is often one of the most challenging parts of marketing. Being able to measure marketing impact is so crucial to your business’ success. Tier 11 has an entire Data Science Team dedicated to getting everything set up right the first time around. Our Data Science team closely monitors your accounts day in and day out to ensure when and if something goes wrong, we know ASAP and are able to promptly remedy the problem.

Here at HOT IRON, we work with a wide variety of businesses, and slightly larger businesses tend to see the strongest impact and value. 

We pride ourselves on treating our customers just as we would our own team members. 

When you choose to work with HOT IRON, you’ll not only have access to world class media buyers, art directors, conversion architects, and data scientists, but you’ll also gain access to your very own Account Manager who is responsible for YOUR SUCCESS. This is your go-to person that advocates FOR YOU in our company and ensures you’re happier than ever with our outputs.

Well believe it or not, you wouldn’t be alone! Most customers come into HOT IRON without funnels OR they come in with funnels that aren’t optimized or simply don’t work at all. 

This is the reason we offer full funnel-building services in the form Customer Acquisition Formula or CAF.

This question will vary greatly on the type of business you have, the demand for your product/service in your field, and your willingness to test out new ideas and concepts.  The clients who enjoy the most success with us are the ones that have a collaborative mindset, take ownership of things they need to, and play the long game.