30 Essential LinkedIn Statistics You Need to Know in 2024

As consumers gravitate towards social media giants like Facebook and Instagram, savvy B2B marketers know that LinkedIn is the go-to platform for reaching key decision-makers and professional buyers. In Ireland, professionals also lean on this career-focused platform to network within their industry and scout for new talent.

LinkedIn Through the Years

Since its launch in 2003, LinkedIn has grown into the world’s largest professional social network. When Microsoft acquired LinkedIn in 2016, they brought together Microsoft Office tools with LinkedIn data, offering a seamless experience for professionals. The company is currently led by CEO Ryan Roslansky.

LinkedIn’s mission is simple: ‘Connect the world’s professionals to make them more productive and successful.’ It’s the place where professionals in Ireland and beyond can network, advertise, share content, and recruit talent for their businesses.

Below are forty key social media statistics that offer the latest insights for 2024 on how LinkedIn operates. You’ll also uncover important consumer behaviour trends on the platform, which are crucial for market research when shaping your sales, marketing strategies, and content.

Top LinkedIn Statistics Every Business & Marketer Should Know

These top statistics provide a brief overview of LinkedIn’s growth and usage.

1. There Are Over 1 Billion Users on LinkedIn

LinkedIn stands as the leading professional platform, boasting over 1 billion members from 200 countries and regions around the globe.

2. 65 Million Users Look for Jobs Through LinkedIn Weekly

Every week, more than 65 million people are actively searching LinkedIn for their next job. With LinkedIn’s dedicated job search page, it’s easy for applicants to find their ideal role. They can use various filters and LinkedIn resources to pinpoint open positions in their industry.

3. Oldest Popular Social Media Platform

LinkedIn, launched in 2003, is nearly 21 years old. While many older platforms have either faded away or seen their popularity decline, LinkedIn remains one of the top social media platforms that users continue to actively engage with.

4. Google Has the Highest LinkedIn Following for an Organization

Google is the second most visited website and the top search engine. This popularity extends to LinkedIn, drawing even more followers than the platform itself. By 2023, Google had nearly 30.9 million followers on LinkedIn.

5. Bill Gates Has the Highest Following on LinkedIn

Bill Gates Has the Highest Following on LinkedIn

Bill Gates is the co-founder of Microsoft and holds the largest following on LinkedIn, with over 34.9 million followers

LinkedIn Usage Statistics

LinkedIn started as a place for professionals to upload and share their CVs with potential employers. Today, it’s grown far beyond just a job search platform, as the following statistics reveal.

6. In 2023, LinkedIn Saw a 21% Increase in Engagement

Engagement happens when people post new content, share others’ posts, or interact with fellow users on the platform. As LinkedIn continues to expand, more professionals are connecting and engaging both within and beyond their networks.

7. A Third of Company Engagement Is From Employees

Businesses share content on LinkedIn to spark interest in their company. Interestingly, 30% of those who like, share, and comment on that content are the company’s own employees. Plus, employees are 14 times more likely to share their company’s content than other posts they come across on the platform.

8. The Most Followed LinkedIn Hashtag is #Innovation

Users can follow hashtags to keep relevant topics in their newsfeeds. Right now, #Innovation is the leading hashtag, with 38.4 million followers, followed closely by #Management and #HumanResources as the second and third most popular hashtags.

9. 16.2% of LinkedIn Users are Active Daily

Roughly 134.5 million users are active on LinkedIn every day, with over 48.5% engaging on the platform each month.

LinkedIn User Statistics

The largest age group on LinkedIn is 25-34 years old, making up 60.1% of its user base. The United States has the highest number of LinkedIn users at over 180 million. India, China, and Brazil follow the US in terms of LinkedIn user base size.

10. Over 58.4 Million Companies Are On LinkedIn

Alongside individual users, companies also maintain profiles on LinkedIn. These profiles serve as a tool for marketing on the platform and recruiting new talent.

11. 295 Thousand Schools Are Listed on LinkedIn

Schools leverage LinkedIn to market their programs to young professionals seeking further education. They also connect with former students through their alumni network, enhancing their recruiting and marketing efforts.

12. LinkedIn Has More Male Users Than Female

About 43.6% of LinkedIn users are female. Meanwhile, 56.4% are male as of January 2024.

13. Most of LinkedIn’s Users are Between 25 and 34 Years Old

Millennials account for 60% of LinkedIn’s users. Around 20% are between 18 and 24, nearly 18% are between 35 and 54, and just 2% are 55 or older.

In the U.S., 31% of users are aged 30 to 39, while 28% are between 50 and 64.

LinkedIn Recruiting and Hiring Statistics

LinkedIn is one of the top platforms for job searching and recruiting. The following statistics highlight how effectively the platform connects professionals with the right opportunities.

14. 9K+ Members Apply for Jobs on LinkedIn Every Minute

LinkedIn has simplified the job application process by letting job seekers apply directly through the platform. This feature is widely used by professionals searching for the right job. According to LinkedIn, there are over 9,000 applications submitted per minute and 7 people hired every minute on the platform.

15. Every Minute, 7 People Are Hired on LinkedIn

Recruiters can view job applicants’ full profiles, networks, and portfolios on LinkedIn, making it easier to find qualified candidates. Each year, LinkedIn facilitates over three million new hires.

16. There Was an 3.2% Increase in Hires in 2024

As LinkedIn grows, so does the number of users using it to find new jobs. Job seekers are increasingly successful, with confirmed hires rising by 3.2% in May in 2024.

17. 75% of Those Who Recently Changed Jobs Used LinkedIn to Find New Job Opportunities

While Indeed is the top platform for job seekers, 75% of people say they used LinkedIn to help them find new job opportunities.

18. LinkedIn Has Over 39 Thousand Skills Listed

Skills are tags that professionals add to their profiles to showcase their unique experiences and abilities. Including these skill tags enhances LinkedIn’s search functionality, helping recruiters target specifically qualified candidates.

19. 67% of recruiters say that professionals hired through LinkedIn are of higher quality

Approximately 72% of recruiters use LinkedIn to hire new talent. They find that candidates sourced through the platform are of higher quality compared to those found through other job sites and methods.

LinkedIn Advertising Statistics

LinkedIn Ads are effective paid promotions for businesses, particularly for reaching key decision-makers on the platform, as demonstrated by the following statistics. That’s why many digital marketing agencies recommend LinkedIn advertising for B2B brands.

20. 82% of B2B Marketers Advertise on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is the leading B2B platform, with three-quarters of marketers using it to target business decision-makers through paid ads. Additionally, nearly 82% believe these ads deliver the best results.

21. LinkedIn Ads Reach Over 14% of the Global Population

Organic content isn’t the only way to boost visibility on LinkedIn. A single ad can reach up to 14.6% of the world’s adult population.

22. Ads Reached 22 Million More Users in 2023

The growth in LinkedIn’s user base has also led to more ad impressions. In Q4, LinkedIn ads experienced a 2.8% increase in reach compared to Q3.

23. Businesses See a 33% Purchase Intent Increase with LinkedIn Ads

Over a third of buyers who see a business’s ad on LinkedIn go on to research the company with the intent of making a purchase.

24. LinkedIn Has Twice the Conversion Rates as Other Channels

Marketers using LinkedIn have seen their conversion rates double through the platform’s marketing and sales channels. Additionally, users who engage with a business’s content on LinkedIn are six times more likely to buy from that brand.

LinkedIn Marketing Statistics

B2B marketers use LinkedIn to boost brand awareness, generate leads, and strengthen customer relationships. The following statistics highlight the returns from these marketing efforts.

25. LinkedIn Is the Top Platform for B2B Lead Generation

Marketers can use LinkedIn’s search features and filters to target and attract high-quality potential buyers. Consequently, about 40% of B2B marketers consider the platform their most effective channel for lead generation.

26. Just Over Half of Marketers Use LinkedIn

Approximately 50.3% of marketers in the U.S. include LinkedIn in their strategies, and this figure is steadily increasing, particularly among B2B marketers.

27. 96% of B2B Marketers Use LinkedIn

B2B marketers use LinkedIn for their organic social marketing strategies due to its large professional user base and advanced filtering and targeting options.

28. 77% of Marketers Agree that They See the Best Organic Results from LinkedIn

Organic marketing demands a deep understanding of both the audience and the platform. Although some organic strategies, like SEO optimization, can be complex and inconsistent in results, over three-quarters of marketers find that LinkedIn delivers high-quality organic outcomes.

29. 3 Out of 4 People On LinkedIn Drive Business Decisions

B2B marketers use LinkedIn because there are many key decision-makers on the platform who work for target accounts.

30. Active LinkedIn Pages Receive Five Times the Page Views

Companies that fully complete their business pages and actively post receive more page views. They also experience seven times more impressions and eleven times more clicks per follower.

Fuel Your Marketing Strategies with LinkedIn Statistics

As LinkedIn keeps evolving, update your marketing strategies with these insights to stay effective in 2024 and beyond.

For more information on how HOT IRON Digital can enhance your social media strategy across various platforms, email us at hello@hotirondigital.ie or get in touch here. We’ve helped numerous clients boost their social media engagement and achieve their business goals. Ready to see the same results? Get in touch with us today!

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